Quote of the day: You want FOOD? Look at those THIGHS!!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Countdown to Turkey day

Hey there. Sorry I haven't had the chance to update. I have been crazy busy with work. It seems that everything is begining to pick up again which is great, well with the exception that they want me to get trained in a different department, the slower department, while my department is swamped with requests. It is hilarious the "tug of war" I am invovled in. I just sit back and go where ever I am needed. 

Weightwise, I am still stuck at 194, but my mom says that she can really see the weightloss. Personally I still think I look like a fat cow which sucks because I wish that I could see what she sees. I have been doing a lot of weight training recently, so I might have lost some more weight but I might have gained some muscle. I guess that is ok because muscle burns more calories than fat even when you are just sitting there. I went to boxing last night before my Body Blast class and had a ton of fun. It was a great workout and it was really fun too!! I got to put boxing gloves on and punch people. It was a good stress reliever and I will definetly be going again!!

My current thinspo person is Emma Watson from Harry Potter. I saw the movie twice last weekend and I am so jealous of how skinny and tiny she is. So here are a couple of pictures of her for motivation!


  1. Emma Watson is so tiny and dainty. I saw her on the cover of a magazine the other day and I had no idea it was her!

    Weight Training is great because it makes you loose inches, so even if you feel like you might have put on a bit of muscle weight, your measurements are still shrinking :)

    ~Em K

  2. hey hun! thanks for following my blog- i love yours <3
    I found that when I was at a higher weight i needed to eat specific foods to lose weight, otherwise i didn't lose easily, so maybe this will help you :) - TONS of fruits and veggies, NO dairy, water & protein shakes (preferrably vegan whole foods like Vega). Definitely have the protein shake if you're weight training or working out. It's only about 150 cal and it will help your body build muscle and burn fat!
    Stay strong,
    Xo, Kaylie.
