Quote of the day: You want FOOD? Look at those THIGHS!!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The start of something new

So things have been going pretty well these past 2 days. Weighed in this morning at 198.6 which is good. Almost at gw #1. I stuck to my plan for the most part yesterday. Only thing is my brother needed the car so I couldn't do my cardio but I still got a pretty decent workout from the Body Blast class. It was real intense but I kept up and I will definetly go back again next week.I love waking up in the morning and being super sore. I totally believe in the saying "No pain no gain."

Today went well too. I was tempted with chocolate ckae today at work. I hate saying no to things at work because I don't want people thinking that I am weird. It's a new job and I am trying to make friends so I do my best to try to do what everybody else is doing. But seriously chocolate cake at 8:30?!?!? What the heck. So I took it and ate a couple bites but then I put it down and "forgot" about it. In all honestly I was starving and would have devoured that whole thing but I just kept thinking about my thinspiration for the day. Today it was Kristen Stewart. She is so thin and I never see her eat. I need to get back into that type of control.

I skipped lunch to make up for the cake and then ate a little dinner. Thankfully my parents were fighting so it was more of a shove shit in your mouth and run dinner so no chance of overeating then. Apparently now my mom is no longer cooking for us because my dad is ungrateful so it is up to us to eat whatever. Seriously?!?! Does she understand how happy this makes me feel? Probably not, but shhhh that will be our little secret!

Tomorrow is the same routine, work, gym and then home. I have off Thursday and Friday so those will be my two challenging days because while I'm at work I can keep busy and not think about food but at home I'm bored and its just sitting there. Hopefully I will be strong enough to ignore it.

Don't worry, I will keep you posted!!

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